What happens to my feedback / comments?
All comments, ideas, feedback and suggestions are collated and used by the relevant Council officer/s to inform the development of strategies, projects, programs and activities, and/or utilised to gain insight into community views and needs.
Often online feedback is utilised in conjunction with other engagement methods such as workshops, meetings, pop-ups or surveys.
While all feedback is considered in the decision making process it is important to remember that not every suggestion can be adopted.
Who can I contact about Your Say Barossa?
If you have any questions about Council’s engagement process please email barossa@barossa.sa.gov.au(External link) or phone 8563 8444.
If you have a question regarding a specific project currently open for engagement please contact the relevant team – their contact details can be found in the Who’s Listening section of each project.
How is Your Say Barossa moderated?
Your Say Barossa is moderated by an independent provider, Bang The Table. The moderators do not edit, or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately.
Please refer to the Moderation Guidelines for further information.
Is my privacy protected?
Your privacy is protected because Your Say Barossa is hosted and moderated by an independent provider, Bang The Table.
Council will only use your contact information to provide you with updates and invite you to participate in engagements, if you have chosen to opt in during the registration process. Your information will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purpose.
Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is governed by Council’s Privacy Policy and the Freedom of Information Act 1991. The principal reason for collecting this information is to inform Elected Members about the specific consultation. Please note that your name and address may appear on the public agenda when they review submissions. Please find our Public Consultation Policy.
How else can I engage with Council?
You can email barossa@barossa.sa.gov.au or write to us at:
The Barossa Council
PO Box 867
If you would like to access consultation materials in hardcopy you can access these at any of our branch offices.
Also, keep an eye out for opportunities to engage with us in person via workshops, meetings or popups.
How do I register?
How do I register?
To register, simply click Register from the home page.
Please note, when making a comment on Your Say Barossa it will be posted alongside your username, so if privacy is a concern for you, we recommend that you create an anonymous username.
You will be sent an activation email to complete the registration process.
You only need to register once, so if you have previously registered and are returning, click the Sign In button.
How do I submit my feedback/ideas/views?
Your feedback can be submitted via the online forums, quick polls and surveys relevant to each of the projects currently open for engagement. To participate, simply register and start sharing your ideas and comments.
If you would like more information on a particular project, you can contact the relevant project team - see the Who's listening section of each project
How can I edit my profile?
Step 1: Log into your account
Step 2: Click drop down arrow of your Username to bring up a menu
Step 3: Click Profile from the menu
I’ve forgotten my password/username, what should I do?
Step 1: Click the "login" link on the homepage
Step 2: Click the "forgotten password" link under the "sign in" button.
Step 3: Type in your email address and click enter. You will then receive an email from us with your Username and a link back to the site. Click on that link to reset your password.
Step 4: Sign in with your username and new password.
I registered but didn’t received the activation email, what should I do?
o Check your ‘spam’ email folder – the email may have gone there instead of your inbox
o Your email service provider may have a firewall that is blocking delivery pf the activation email - contact your service provider.
o Check your email address is spelt correctly
How do I submit my feedback/ideas/views?
Your feedback can be submitted via the online forums, quick polls and surveys relevant to each of the projects currently open for engagement. To participate, simply register and start sharing your ideas and comments.
If you would like more information on a particular project, you can contact the relevant project team - see the Who's listening section of each project.
How does being a registered user benefit me?
As a registered user you can receive updates on matters that you’ve engaged on as well as opportunities to have your say on emerging consultations. Registering can also enable Council to gain a deeper understanding about our residents and their needs, resulting in better outcomes for the community.
Registering will enable you to be at the forefront of receiving communications and updates tailored to your needs and interests as we continue to build on the capabilities within Your Say Barossa.
You can also choose to opt out at any time.
What are the benefits of engaging online?
Engaging online enables more community members to have a say:
o You don't have to attend community meetings at a set place and time, you can contribute at a time and place that suits you.
o It is a quick, safe and convenient way to have your say on a range of issues and topics.
o It is a great way to keep up to date and contribute your views on issues affecting your community.
o You can see what other community members think about an issue or topic, respond with your own views and engage in a discussion.
Why is The Barossa Council engaging online?
The Barossa Council are committed to promoting greater community engagement to promote involvement in the decision making processes and activities of Council. We want to know how key issues affect residents, and we want you to be part of conversations about your Barossa.