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Consultation has concluded
By-laws are supplementary legislation set by councils for their area to regulate matters at a local level, which are not captured within other legislation. They are designed to provide for safety, convenience and good governance within the council area and contribute to enhancing and maintaining safety and amenity.
Our Council has had by-laws in place for many years. By-laws have a life span of seven years and so our current by-laws are due to be renewed
Council has endorsed a set of draft By-laws and now invites feedback from you in relation to these proposed by-laws. All written feedback will be collated and presented to Council for consideration before the by-laws are formally adopted.
Please note: all feedback submissions will become a public document, however, you may provide your feedback anonymously.
By-laws are supplementary legislation set by councils for their area to regulate matters at a local level, which are not captured within other legislation. They are designed to provide for safety, convenience and good governance within the council area and contribute to enhancing and maintaining safety and amenity.
Our Council has had by-laws in place for many years. By-laws have a life span of seven years and so our current by-laws are due to be renewed
Council has endorsed a set of draft By-laws and now invites feedback from you in relation to these proposed by-laws. All written feedback will be collated and presented to Council for consideration before the by-laws are formally adopted.
Please note: all feedback submissions will become a public document, however, you may provide your feedback anonymously.
Please provide your feedback on the proposed Draft By-laws.
Consultation has concluded
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